Isaías Íñiguez D.D.S.
Cosmetic Dental TeamDefining Superior Dentistry
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Sedation Dentistry

Dental anxiety affects a large portion of the population and can often delay patients from receiving much needed treatment. Some patients may avoid scheduling an appointment even when they are experiencing oral pain due to their fear of the dentist. When minor dental issues are not addressed in a timely fashion, they may develop into more complicated problems that can not only be more costly to correct but also require more visits to the dentist. Our sedation dentistry techniques are designed to enable you to:

Sedation Dentistry Options

At our practice, our cosmetic dentists offer a number of sedation dentistry options to put your mind and body at rest during your visit:

Light Sedation (Nitrous Oxide)

The mildest form of sedation we offer is light sedation with nitrous oxide gas. Nitrous oxide— which is also commonly referred to as “laughing gas”—helps alleviate fear and anxiety without lingering sedative effects. 

Conscious Sedation

For patients with mild dental anxiety, conscious sedation can help “take the edge off” and place you into a state of extreme relaxation. During conscious sedation, you will still be able to communicate with the dentist, though you may enter a sleep-like state during the procedure or forget many of the details afterward.

Cost of Sedation Dentistry

At our practice in Los Algodones, Mexico light sedation with laughing gas costs $350 per canister, while the average cost of general anesthesia with intravenous (IV) sedation is $600 total (U.S. Price = $500/hr). Since each sedation treatment plan is customized to meet the unique needs of the patient, costs can fluctuate. Factors that can influence the price of sedation may include the type of sedation used, the duration of the dental procedure, and anesthesiologist fees. As you can see, we offer advanced dental treatments and sedation dentistry at prices that can be substantially lower than comparable services in the United States. With the help of sedation, patients can undergo multiple procedures during a single office visit, which can reduce the total number of office visits required to resolve complex dental issues. Prompt treatment with the aid of sedation dentistry may also prevent more complicated and costly dental problems from developing in the future.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Íñiguez, or to learn more about our sedation dentistry techniques, please contact our office today.


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Isaías Íñiguez D.D.S.
Defining Superior Dentistry